Pediatric Allergies Treatment | Cystic Fibrosis Treatment | Pediatric Sinusitis Treatment | Orange County | Long Beach

Pediatric Allergies

Pediatric Allergies Treatment | Cystic Fibrosis Treatment | Pediatric Sinusitis Treatment | Orange County | Long BeachAlthough children often suffer from the same allergy symptoms as adults, they may require special care to prevent permanent damage to their fragile, developing immune systems. Children can develop allergies as a result of repeated exposure and an inherited predisposition and may become allergic to substances such as pollen, mold, pet dander, food, medicines and more.

Children with allergies may suffer from a runny nose, sore throat and watery eyes when in contact with specific allergens. Children are also highly susceptible to ear infections, especially when they are very young. Allergic inflammation can cause swelling in the middle ear that interferes with drainage and causes pain, fever and irritability.

Even though allergies are not present at birth, there is an increased risk of developing certain allergies when parents have them as well. While there is no way of preventing these or any allergies, you can help your child avoid contact with allergens as much as possible in order to minimize symptoms. This is the most effective treatment for allergies. Other treatments focus on relieving symptoms and may include antihistamines, allergy shots and decongestants.


Pediatric ENT

Although children are often affected by the same ear, nose and throat conditions as adults, they often require special care to treat these complex conditions. Children are often more susceptible to ENT conditions and are commonly affected by chronic ear infections, tonsillitis, congenital defects, voice and speech disorders, sleep apnea and more. Our doctors are specially trained to diagnose and treat the unique conditions that affect children. We strive to provide the most effective treatment while taking into consideration the comfort of our patients and concerns of their parents.


Pediatric Rheumatology

Rheumatology refers to a series of disorders that affect the joints, muscles and bones. There are over 100 different kinds of rheumatic diseases, many of which are chronic or life-threatening. Some of the most common rheumatic diseases include arthritis, gout, lupus, osteoporosis, fibromyalgia and tendonitis. While rheumatic diseases are most common among older people, they are also commonly found in children. Identifying these diseases at an early stage is important in preventing damage and ensuring proper growth and development.

Rheumatic disease in children can cause swelling, stiffness or pain in skin, muscles, tendons and bones. These diseases often develop as a result of an immune system attack on the body. While children suffer from the same symptoms as adults, their growing bodies require special care to allow for manageable control and prevention of damage that may cause complications. At Miller Children's Subspecialty Group, we are experienced in treating these sensitive diseases and providing the most effective and easiest treatment method.

Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) | Orange County | Long BeachCommon pediatric rheumatic diseases include:

  • Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA) – JRA is a chronic disease that causes joint pain and inflammation and may eventually lead to joint damage. Like most other pediatric rheumatic diseases, the cause of JRA is unknown. It may affect few or many joints and pain may be mild or severe, and can also include swelling, fevers and rash. Most patients enter remission with minimal damage after conservative treatment methods.
  • Dermatomyositis – Dermatomyositis is a disease of the muscle that causes inflammation and a skin rash. The cause is unknown but may be due to infection. This disease tends to affect children between the ages of 5 and 15. Symptoms include muscle weakness or stiffness, a purple-red rash, purple upper eyelids and shortness of breath. Dermatomyositis can be treated with anti-inflammatory medication and may result in full recovery in some cases.
  • Ankylosing spondylitis – Ankylosing spondylitis is a chronic disease that causes pain in the hip or lower back and forces the child to retain a bent posture in order to relive pain. This disease may affect children before the age of 10 and its cause is unknown. Other symptoms include eye inflammation, fatigue and heel pain. Without treatment, the affected spinal bones may eventually join together.
  • Lupus – Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease in which the body attacks itself. This leads to inflammation of the joints and results in pain and swelling. The cause of this disease is not known but it is most common in children over the age of 10. Symptoms of lupus include fever, fatigue, skin rash, swollen glands and nausea. Treatment focuses on relieving symptoms and preventing flare ups.
  • Lyme disease – Lyme disease is an inflammatory disease caused by a certain bacteria carried by ticks. It is transmitted through a tick bite. Symptoms usually resemble the flu, along with a red rash with a clear center. A stiff neck and joint inflammation can also develop. Lyme disease can be treated with antibiotics.

Treatment methods for pediatric rheumatic diseases depend upon the type and severity of the disease, and the age and overall health of the child. We strive to relieve pain and other symptoms and maintain a normal life for the child. We also teach self-care for managing the disease and encourage family involvement and support. Call us today to discuss how to handle your child's disease.

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Pneumonia is a common pulmonary condition that involves inflammation in the lungs caused by a bacterial, viral or fungal infection.  Pneumonia can range in seriousness from mild to life-threatening, depending on the cause and type of the condition, as well as the age and overall health of the child.  Pneumonia can be particularly worrisome for younger children or those who have a chronic illness or impaired immune system. 

The symptoms of pneumonia can vary depending on the cause of the condition, but often mimics the flu and may cause symptoms such as:

  • Fever
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • Sweating
  • Chills
  • Chest pain
  • Headache
  • Fatigue

If pneumonia is suspected, your child’s doctor will perform a physical examination and a chest x-ray in order to confirm the presence of the disease, as well as blood and mucus tests to determine the cause.

Treatment for pneumonia depends on the cause, but may include rest, antibiotics or antifungal medication.  Patients with severe cases of pneumonia may need to be hospitalized and treated with intravenous antibiotics to ensure a safe recovery from this disease.  It is important to see a doctor and receive proper treatment for pneumonia in order to prevent complications and the spread of the disease to others.  Most cases of pneumonia can be cured in one to two weeks, although viral cases may take longer. 

It is important for children to be aware of spreading this disease to others, as it is usually found in fluid from the mouth or nose and can spread from coughing or sneezing, or from sharing drinks and eating utensils.


Cystic Fibrosis

Cystic fibrosis is a chronic, genetic condition that involves production of a thick and sticky mucus, causing breathing and digestion problems.  Patients with cystic fibrosis have a defect in the gene that regulates the production of sodium chloride (salt), and results in thick secretions within the respiratory and digestive systems.

The symptoms of cystic fibrosis can vary depending on the severity of the condition and the individual child.  In newborns, symptoms may include bulky and greasy stools, frequent respiratory infections and failure to grow.  In older children, symptoms may include:

  • Salty taste to the skin
  • Foul, greasy stools
  • Delayed growth
  • Chronic cough
  • Frequent chest and sinus infections
  • Enlargement or rounding of fingers and toes

Most cases of cystic fibrosis are diagnosed by the time a child is three years old, although mild cases may not be diagnosed until the teen years.  If cystic fibrosis is suspected, your doctor will perform a sweat test to measure the amount of sodium or chloride in the sweat.  For newborns, analyzing the blood for genetic abnormalities may also be performed to confirm the diagnosis of cystic fibrosis. 

While there is no cure for cystic fibrosis, there are several different treatment options to help manage symptoms and slow the progression of the disease, allowing patients to live a life as free of complications as possible.  Treatment may include antibiotics to fight infections, mucus-thinning drugs, bronchodilators and bronchial airway drainage, all designed to relieve patients of the thick mucus associated with this condition and making breathing easier for patients. 

Patients with severe breathing problems may need a lung transplant, but need to consider the complications associated with this major surgical procedure.  Treatment for cystic fibrosis is continuing to develop so that patients with this condition can lead a normal, healthy life.

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Sinusitis is a common condition that involves inflammation of the sinuses, typically caused by an infection in acute cases and by allergies, nasal polyps or asthma in chronic cases.  The sinuses are the air spaces within the bones of the face, and help the facial bones feel light and comfortable.  When infected, the sinuses cannot drain properly and become inflamed, causing pain and congestion within the facial structures.  Sinusitis can be classified as either acute, meaning it lasts for four weeks or less, or chronic, meaning it lasts for more than twelve weeks. 

In addition to being acute or chronic, sinusitis can also be classified by location:

  • Maxillary, which causes pain or pressure in the cheek area;
  • Frontal, which causes pain or pressure above and behind the eyes;
  • Ethmoid, which causes pain or pressure between or behind the eyes; and
  • Sphenoid, which causes pain or pressure behind the eyes.

Symptoms of sinusitis may vary depending on the cause and type of the condition, but often include:

  • Stuffy nose for more than 10 days
  • Mucus discharge
  • Pain around the eyes or cheekbones
  • Headache
  • Fever
  • Pain in the upper teeth
  • Cough
  • Difficulty sleeping

Your child’s doctor will assess his/her individual symptoms in order to diagnose sinusitis and determine if it is caused by a cold, infection, allergies or other factors.  Sinusitis caused by a bacterial infection usually causes the most severe symptoms. 

Treatment of sinusitis depends on the type and severity of the condition, but may include antibiotics, decongestants, saline nasal sprays or oral steroids.  For severe cases, or those that do not respond to conservative treatment, surgery may be recommended to improve sinus drainage and reduce blockage.  The surgeon will enlarge the opening of the sinuses, remove any polyps and correct any defects that contribute to the nasal obstruction.  While many people have fewer symptoms as a result of this surgery, many others experience a recurrence of their symptoms post-surgery.


Pediatric Pulmonology

Pediatric pulmonology is a medical specialty that handles the diagnosis, treatment, and management of breathing and respiratory problems in patients from birth through early adulthood.  These conditions often cause symptoms similar to a cold or flu, including runny nose, cough, sore throat and more, and may occur on a chronic or acute basis. 

Our doctors are fully trained to provide comprehensive care for the unique respiratory conditions that affect children, as well as specialized treatment of common conditions such as allergies and pneumonia.  Since children have smaller airways, they are often at a higher risk for developing many of these conditions.

Pediatric pulmonology involves the diagnosis and treatment of conditions such as:

  • Chronic cough
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Asthma
  • Allergies
  • Pneumonia
  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Apnea
  • Chronic lung disease

Our pulmonologists will determine the best treatment for each patient based on a thorough evaluation of each individual case.  Treatment for pulmonology conditions often includes antibiotics, rest, drinking plenty of fluids and surgery for severe conditions.  If your child is experiencing persistent symptoms of a respiratory disorder, you should see a doctor to ensure that he/she receives proper treatment to relieve symptoms and prevent serious complications.

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