Strabismus Treatment | Amblyopia Treatment | Myopia Treatment | Orange County | Long Beach


Strabismus, or crossed eyes, is the term for when a child cannot align both eyes on an object at the same time. The condition occurs in about 5% of children, and many adults suffer from it as well. Strabismus can be congenital (present from birth) or acquired from eye injury, diabetes and other conditions.

Strabismus may manifest at first as double vision. If left untreated, it can lead to visual impairment, loss of binocular vision, and blindness in the weaker eye. For children, early treatment is best, preferably before the age of six. Parents should bring their child to the doctor at the first sign of crossed or turned-out eyes.  Strabismus treatment often includes prescribing glasses, exercising the eye muscles and prescription eye drops.  Surgery may be required to straighten the eyes is conservative methods have been unsuccessful.



Amblyopia, commonly known as lazy eye, is an eye condition that results in reduced vision in one eye. This condition affects two to three percent of children as a result of genetic causes, related conditions or trauma. When this condition occurs, the unaffected eye usually becomes stronger and suppresses the amblyopic eye, often rendering it useless.

Patients with amblyopia may experience eyestrain, squinting, headaches and overall poor vision. This condition usually develops in children before the age of six, and can significantly affect central vision if left untreated. While many cases are caused by a misalignment of the eyes, such as strabismus or crossed eyes, amblyopia can also be caused by trauma to the eye or a very strong refractive error.

Effective treatment for amblyopia depends on the underlying cause of the condition, but may include glasses to improve focusing or eye exercises to correct improper vision habits. Eye drops and patching may also be prescribed. Treatment continues until vision is normal or stable, which usually takes several weeks. 


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Nearsightedness, or myopia, is a vision condition in which nearby objects are clear and distant objects appear blurry. This may be caused by excess corneal curvature or an oblong rather than a spherical shape to the eye, both of which affect the way light is bent upon entering the eye and whether it focuses properly on the retina.

Almost a third of all people in the US experience some degree of nearsightedness, which normally emerges by age 20. Symptoms include difficulty focusing on objects in the distance, such as a chalkboard or TV, as well as headaches, eyestrain and fatigue. There is some evidence that it is caused or worsened by sustained focus on nearby objects. Nearsightedness may also be hereditary.

Children should have their vision tested within the first year of life and at least once every two years after that.  Eyeglasses and contact lenses are commonly used to correct nearsightedness. Eyewear may be used for certain activities, like watching television or driving, or for all activities.



Conjunctivitis, more commonly known as pink eye, is an infection and inflammation of the conjunctiva, the membrane that lines the eyelid and eyeball. The inflammation affects the blood vessels and gives the eye a pink or red appearance.

Pink eye is caused by a bacterial or viral infection and can be contagious, so diagnosis and proper treatment are important. It can also be caused by an allergic reaction or a foreign object in the eye. Symptoms of pink eye include redness and itchiness in one or both eyes, along with a discharge that may turn into a crust overnight. Excess tearing can also occur.

Treatment for pink eye depends on the cause. Your child’s doctor may prescribe antibiotic eye drops or recommend over-the-counter drugs.


Congenital Cataracts

While cataracts are often considered a condition affecting older patients, it can also be affect children as a congenital condition.  Children with congenital cataracts are born with a naturally cloudy lens instead of a clear one.  This may appear on the eye as a white spot within the dark pupil or failure of the infant to show visual awareness. 

Congenital cataracts may occur as a result of:

  • Inherited tendencies
  • Infection
  • Metabolic problems
  • Diabetes
  • Trauma
  • Reaction to medications

If left untreated, this condition can lead to other eye problems such as amblyopia, strabismus and difficulty focusing, in addition to the cloudy vision.  Mild cases of congenital cataracts may not require any treatment other than being monitored on a regular basis, but those that affect vision often need to be removed and replaced with an artificial intraocular lens (IOL) in a traditional cataract surgery.


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